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Wendy’s story of starting over

Take it from Wendy and her family:Wendy capuchin monkey

Just when it seems like you’re all alone,

That no one will find you – abandoned in a cage,

The power and water are turned off, the food is gone,

Just when they tell you it’s over,

That nobody wants you and you have nowhere to go;

That’s when it’s time to start over,

That’s when it’s time to gain strength,

That’s when you find out who your real friends are!

Thank you for providing miracles to monkeys like Wendy!


Wendy has a story of starting over to share with you.

It felt like there was no hope left –after living in a small chain-link cage for years…the bad news came. The roadside zoo was closed. Power and water were shut off and the food ran out. With nobody left to care for them, where would Wendy and her family go? Nobody wanted them…would this be the end?

Thanks to you – Wendy and her family had the chance to start over again.

Kind, caring people came in and rescued Wendy, her family and all of their friends. They moved them to a new place – a sanctuary called Peace River Refuge & Ranch.

Capuchin with cornIt felt like heaven. No more chain link cages and dirty concrete floors. Wendy finally knew what it felt like to climb a tree like a monkey should!

Nestled among oak trees and bamboo she can live with her family – with room to play and all of the fresh fruit and water they have ever dreamed of. Safe from harm – for the rest of their lives.

So many wild animals are destroyed every year because there is nowhere for them to go. Abandoned like Wendy, retired from research labs, attempted house pets, confiscated by authorities – they endure abuse and neglect more than most people can ever imagine.


Friends like you give Wendy and her family the comfort they need when things are scariest. How? By making sure they have:

  • Whatever they need to heal their broken hearts and mend their broken bodies, to recover from the abuse in their past.
  • All the time they need to learn to be happy, graceful wild animals again.
  • Safe, peaceful sanctuary at Peace River Refuge & Ranch for the rest of their lives.

You already know that your support of Peace River Refuge & Ranch helps Wendy and the other animals. But did you know that you are now making it possible for them to make an even bigger and better move?

Capuchin familyWith development growing near the sanctuary, the safety of the animals and the promise of lifetime protection will come under fire. When human populations increase near wild animal facilities, a fight eventually follows and, statistically, the animals lose.

In keeping our promise of protection, Wendy and all of her friends are moving to a new location. Their new homes will be on 80 acres of beautiful wooded land, surrounded by the Ocala National Forest. They will be forever protected from encroaching development – and their new homes will be better than ever!

We hope to complete the move by spring but we need to finish building homes for Wendy and her friends. This is your chance to help them once again.

Once their move is complete the Sanctuary can resume rescuing more animals in need, knowing that their futures will all be secure. So please send a special gift today. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.


Best wishes,

Lisa Stoner, VP

Peace River Refuge & Ranch


P.S.      So many wild animals find themselves with nowhere to go just because they are not cute babies any more. Please send your most generous gift today to ensure that as many animals as possible can have the chance to live the full life they deserve. Thank you!



2 thoughts on “Wendy’s story of starting over”

  1. I really wish I could donate at this time, but my oldest dog is currently going through radiation and chemo after having 3 surgeries for cancer. My youngest dog has Addison’s Disease which requires daily medication and a monthly shot. As soon as we get back on our feet, I will definitely donate to this great cause and for all the help you are providing these wonderful animals.

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