Once again, all of the animals at Forest Animal Rescue enjoyed Christmas as much as we did.
The new tigers and bears behaved as if this is the first time they had seen enrichment like this- they were a real joy to watch. Since they never had access to live trees in Colorado, some of them were more interested in the Christmas trees than their gifts!
All of the animals had fresh Christmas trees to play with, the primates had stockings, the carnivores had gift-wrapped presents and everyone had a blast!

Thank you so much for posting the videos of those wonderful and majestic animals! It made my day! They all looked like they had a fun and tasty christmas!
I absolutely loved watching all of the videos and seeing all of the pictures of the residents enjoying their Christmas treats. Thank you FAR for everything you do for these wonderful beings.
Thank you for bringing such joy to these animals! You are wonderful!
What wonderful Christmas treats must have been prepared for all the critters. They looked like they enjoyed everything including the trees. I would love to see it in person next year.
Thank-you Lisa & Kurt for enriching their lives everyday by keeping them clean, well-fed & most importantly not bored.
I so enjoyed watching these and can’t be happier they found a home at FAR. What a great organization for these beautiful animals! Thank you for all you do.