The global day of action will rally people around the world to tap into the power of human connection and strengthen communities at the grassroots level. This time the giving continues through May 26!
This movement encourages people to take action to provide immediate aid to the nonprofit community.
The social sector is in crisis at the very moment the world needs it most, and GivingTuesday stands ready to rally the world at this critical time.
Forest Animal Rescue is in need of your assistance NOW more than ever.
Just as donations are at an all-time low, all nonessential volunteers, including those assisting keepers with animal care, which of course continues, have been instructed to stay home until further notice.
Many of these volunteers want to support our animal care staff and help with expansion to allow for upcoming rescues, but that would place them and others at increased risk according to social distancing guidelines.
Even upon their anticipated return to the sanctuary, we will face many unknowns:
- How many of our volunteers will return to the sanctuary?
- How many will fall ill and not return for extended periods?
- How will this affect our organization’s operations and events?
- How will we build and be ready for new rescues when the time comes?
Especially in light of the fact that most of the rescued animals at the sanctuary are susceptible to the virus that causes COVID-19, we have had to stop scheduling volunteer groups from around the country as well as our international/residential volunteer program. This is to limit the exposure of everyone involved, including the animals, to social situations.
We have already had to cancel our “Alternative Spring Break” volunteer groups from across the country, and National Volunteer Week in April will be significantly impacted.
We usually schedule two tours of the sanctuary monthly, limited to four people on each tour. We will not be scheduling tours again until it is appropriate to do so.
Although our animals do not leave our property for events, we have suspended any presentations or public events to educate others on wild animal issues until it is appropriate to resume those activities. We will continue to be flexible, continue to focus on prevention, and continue to encourage any staff member to stay at home if they are not feeling well.
PLEASE – If you are in a position to help the sanctuary make it through this difficult time, we would appreciate anything you can give. We will be forced to hire a few local contractors to do much of the construction and repairs that our out-of-area volunteer groups would normally help with. This expense is hitting us just as donations drop off due to the state of the economy.
Great to see people take in unwanted animals that people buy with out educating themselves on different species of exotic animals and then can not adequately handle, feed or shelter these beautiful animals as it takes money time and dedication beyond our own human needs. Also the thought of breeding of lions with tigers =ligers ?? Makes what?? . so shameful for this type of breeding but also the people that support this breeding and buy these animals then when they get to large they can not handle them, and so it continues .
I hate seeing animals being neglected and unwanted, so thank you for your dedication and hard work as you have some beautiful exotics.
I hope after COVID my husband and I will be able to pre plan a visit as it is not something you see everyday,