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Good news and bad news…

The good news first:Siberian Lynx Misha


The permit was finally issued by US Forest Service (before the government shutdown) and the power company is finishing installation as we speak.

This will save us $3,500 – $4,000 each month in fuel expenses – giving us that much more to put into habitat construction to provide the monkeys, bats and other animals with heat for this winter. Now we will be able to focus on the large natural habitats that all of the rescued animals at the sanctuary deserve.

But there is bad news:

As a result of the uncertainty everyone is feeling from the government shutdown, our donations have dropped off substantially.

The donations that we count on to operate the sanctuary have almost trickled to a stop and to make it worse…we were just informed that two small operating grants that we were counting on are on hold.

The foundations are conserving their cash and reviewing their financial situations as a result of the government shutdown. We may still receive these grants, but not until 2014.


We need your help now:

The long delay in obtaining power, forcing us to operate on generators has put us more than $50,000 over budget since March. We have exhausted our reserves and now we have learned that the grants that we were counting on to make it through the end of the year are on hold.


How you can help:

  • If you were planning to make a charitable gift at the end of the year, please send it now instead. We are finally reaching a point where the expenses for power will be decreasing but our cash flow has virtually stopped.
  • If you have even a small amount to spare, the animals need you now more than ever. If we can just keep moving forward through the end of the year, things will turn around.

Gifts can mailed to:capuchin

Forest Animal Rescue
640 NE 170th Ct.
Silver Springs, FL 34488

Every gift makes a difference!

2 thoughts on “Good news and bad news…”

  1. If you love animals please consider donating to this sanctuary. We have visited the sanctuary on a number of occasions and they do a brilliant job looking after the animals that ignorant and thoughtless humans discard. Like people who thinks bears, tigers and leopards might make good house pets. we have supported them for many years – and we do know what we are doing given all our years in African big cat conservation. I have never asked my FB friends to give cash before – so apologies if it offends you. They are really suffering thanks to the chaos of government so please help if you can. Even if it’s only a few pounds / dollars whatever – it all helps.

  2. I want to say to every one that kindly and please don’t kill animals and keep donating for them .They are also the pride of our nation.

    SOOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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