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Help rescue “Timber” the wolf before its too late!

Female timber wolf "Timber"

Start the new year with a purpose!

“Timber” is a 4 year old timber wolf who has been living in Illinois. She lives alone on an individual’s property and urgently needs lifetime care and a friend.

Her owner’s health is failing and the woman is concerned that Timber will be destroyed if her health continues to decline – and of course a solitary wolf is a very sad and lonely animal.

Peace River Refuge & Ranch / Forest Animal Rescue has agreed to provide Timber with lifetime care and she will have a wonderful companion – Eclipse, a rescued wolf hybrid who recently lost his companion. They will both benefit from the new friendship!

The last thing we really need to be doing is taking in another

animal while we are scrambling to build and move the sanctuary, but this one is worth it. This rescue will benefit both the wolf being rescued and  also  Eclipse, our wolf hybrid, who recently found himself alone when his companion Gracie passed away. His mournful howling to find another companion is about to end – soon he will be howling along with Timber to announce their friendship!

Eclipse, wolf hybrid
Eclipse can’t wait to meet Timber!

Timber’s quarantine pen is almost complete, but we need your help to make this rescue happen before its too late!

Will you donate $25 (or whatever you can afford) to help us bring Timber to Florida before anything goes wrong in Illinois? With your help she will be introduced to Eclipse and they will enjoy lifetime care together at our sanctuary…happily ever after!





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5 thoughts on “Help rescue “Timber” the wolf before its too late!”

  1. I am Timbers owners daughter, Jeanne Henson. I just want to say thank you for what you are doing. It is such a relief you will be taking care of Timber soon!!! I just wanted to say I cant thank you enough for your determination to help our wolf!!! I will donate as much & as often as possible to your cause. If there is anyway you could film her “new homecoming”, I would love to see her reaction to Eclipse & her new environment. I am signing up for your e-mail updates & if possible I would also like to know any updates or info. reguarding her if you feel is necessary, I would greatly appreciate it! I helped my mother raise her & we are extremely close this is very sad, but a good thing. Look forward to hearing from you.

    Best Wishes & God Bless

    Thank YOU!
    Jeanne Henson

  2. We are glad to help, especially since it will help Timber AND Eclipse to not be lonely. We are in the middle of moving our whole sanctuary, so we plan to have Timber go through her 30 day quarantine at the new place and when she is comfortable in her new environment, bring Eclipse up ahead of the other animals to be with her. That way she doesn’t need to move twice but can still meet him as soon as possible.

    We will take photos and video along the way and will post them on our website and on our Facebook page at

    We will always appreciate any financial support that you send (and can recruit others to send) – Timber will need to be spayed (even though Eclipse is already neutered) and we will be spending lots of money on her new habitat and ongoing care.

    Stay in touch!
    Lisa Stoner, VP
    Peace River Refuge & Ranch/Forest Animal Rescue

  3. I love wolves and what you are doing is wonderful for both of them, I also live in Ocala. Can you tell me when and where you will be moving to in the Forest. what is the address. Also your facebook website says cannot be found??? I wanted to post it for my friends who may also contribute to this wonderful Rescue Refuge.


  4. This is my first visit to your website and I must say that your refuge ranch is a wonderful way to care for and love animals that are in need of a home. I have one of your flyers and will be sending a donation. Please put me on your newsletter list also.

    I love animals and I live in the Ocala area so if you are in need of volunteers, please feel free to email me, maybe I can help in some way.

    Thanks again for all you do!

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