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We will miss you Molly….

Molly picking acornsIt always takes me a few days to make myself put these things in writing, but I do it because so many of our  friends have followed and supported us for years and care about each and every animal at the sanctuary as we do.

It never gets any easier – losing an animal we have grown to love and care for always feels like losing a member of our family.

We lost Molly, one of our elderly black bears this past weekend to cardiac arrest. We rescued Molly and her sister Dolly in 2004. They were 14 years old when we discovered that they had been abandoned to starve at a tourist attraction called Frontier Town in New York.

The attraction had been closed for six years. For the first three years, they continued to pay their maintenance man to care for the bears, hoping to find a home for them. That effort failed and they let the maintenance man go.

For the remaining three years, the neighbors knew the Molly and Dolly were abandoned on the property and would intermittently climb the fence and put scraps of food into their enclosure through a chute. The only water the two sisters had to drink was the green scummy moat across the front of their enclosure. No vaccinations or veterinary care…They were slowly starving and were down to 50% of their proper weight.

In 2004 the county foreclosed on the property for unpaid taxes and the bears were ordered to be destroyed before it was sold at auction. The auctioneer made over 100 phone calls to try to find someone to take the bears. He eventually found the American Sanctuary Association who referred him to us.

We agreed to take Molly and Dolly and provide them with lifetime care. We immediately coordinated to have a volunteer deliver proper food daily so they could regain some strength before their long trip to Florida…we immediately started to build their quarantine enclosure.

As we prepared for the trip, our sanctuary was directly hit by three hurricanes in a row. Only one day after Hurricane Jeanne, with windows still boarded and generators running, we headed to New York to load the bears. We arrived only days before the auction; if we had delayed at all, they would have been destroyed.

The sisters arrived in Florida safely and regained their health. They lived with us in Zolfo Springs, FL, eventually sharing a one-acre  habitat with two other black bears until we moved to Silver Springs, FL in 2013.

Unfortunately, the temporary habitat for the bears at our new location is smaller than they had grown accustomed to at the old place. The planned 4-acre habitat expansion has not yet been completed.

We are sorry that Molly won’t be able to experience the new larger habitat, but she did  have a chance to experience the tranquility of the Ocala National Forest and lived a full life with her sister. The remaining three will share the new habitat once it is completed… will be built in Molly’s memory.

We will all miss you Molly – we will never forget the years you spent with us at the sanctuary.


5 thoughts on “We will miss you Molly….”

  1. No matter how much good we do for them in the time we have with them, the guilt for what was done to them before we intervened, is always there in the background. Now that she has moved on, Molly will understand, as will we all, that there IS good in this world, no matter what bad has befallen any of us while here. Knowledge brings understanding, and understanding brings forgiveness.

  2. Ok, now that did make me cry. I did not know their whole history. I was just getting to know them and it makes me sad she died so soon after coming here. My thoughts to you Lisa and Kurt. 🙁

  3. My third grade class adopted Molly and Dolly when they were moving from Frontier Town to Zolfo Springs. We gathered many donations that we sent from Plattsburgh, NY such as apples grown here in the north country. Our local newspaper followed them and did an article on their move to Florida. RIP Molly.

  4. I just found out about Molly and Dolly. Even though I never got to know her while she was here, reading about Molly made me cry. God bless the good folks that saved her. May she rest in peace. Her memory will live on.

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